I believe, in terms of family violence, and violence generally, the more we are aware and the more we provide individuals and the court system with the necessary tools to be able to identify when it has occurred and understand the definition of family violence, and that it goes beyond physical violence. It can include financial violence and coercive behaviour. Understanding various situations and having examples or lists of factors around what violence can mean.... That list, as I've said, is evolving.
This definitely helps. These lists of various types of conduct have been discussed over the years and have led to changes in legislation in provinces. We want to ensure, with the changes to the Divorce Act, that we elevate and raise the issue of family violence as a really substantial challenge that comes into play at marriage breakdowns, separation and divorce, and that needs to be considered to ensure that, where it occurs, the best interests of the child are provided for. That's what we've sought to do in this legislation.
Are there other ways that we can address family violence? Absolutely, and, beyond Bill C-78, we have sought to provide a list and to ensure that we elevate this conversation, because we know that this is an incredibly destructive factor that happens, and children find themselves in the middle of those conversations. We want to make it as easy for the children as possible and provide the best parenting order for them.