Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights as we resume our study on Bill C-78.
It is a great pleasure to have with us today a very distinguished group of witnesses.
Our first group of witnesses includes members from the Barreau du Québec, Siham Haddadi, Valérie Laberge and Nicolas Le Grand Alary.
We have the Family Law Association of Nunavut, represented by Ms. Gillian Bourke.
Also with us today is Daniel Boivin from the Fédération des associations de juristes d'expression française de common law inc.
We have the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario, represented by Ms. Shalini Konanur and Ms. Silmy Abdullah.
We're gong to go in the order in which I announced everybody, starting with eight-minute presentations.
We'll start with the representatives from the Barreau du Québec.