Thank you, Mr. Chair and committee members. We appreciate this opportunity.
First I'd like to address the areas of agreement. The National Shared Parenting Association applauds the adoption of new terminology to describe child custody, access and support relating to children and families post-separation and post-divorce. Although the terminology does not address some of the key issues that continue to face children of divorced families, the new terms “parenting order”, “contact order”, “parenting time” and “decision-making responsibility” better reflect that the Divorce Act and its enforcement are for families, and the new family-friendly language is more appropriate to describe Canadian families that are facing separation and divorce.
Our overview and analysis of Bill C-78 are based on the justice department's press release of May 22, 2018. The National Shared Parenting Association is going to address the four key objectives of the bill, namely, the best interests of the child, addressing family violence, helping to reduce child poverty, and making Canada's family justice system more accessible and efficient.
We begin with best interests of the child. Currently, the Divorce Act bases the best interests of the child on a series of questions that are open to interpretation by a family court judge. Although most often the family court judge will review the past and present parenting arrangements when a family separation occurs, it can often become a wake-up call or a signal for some parents to the importance of exercising the maximum contact rule with their child. Even though the parenting time history of that parent is not consistent with the rule, it should not penalize the child from benefiting from the maximum contact rule with that parent.
Under these circumstances, the court should not infer a negative view of the parent seeking to expand the parenting time with his or her child based solely on the history of the parent-child relationship prior to the family breakup. A child's needs are paramount under all circumstances, and if one parent who has not been involved prior to separation shows a genuine interest in expanding their parenting time post-separation, ultimately this is of great benefit to the child and should be considered to be such.
Children of divorced and separated families face difficulties stemming from the loss of consistent and predictable parenting time with both parents. Often, after a family separates, the child spends the majority of parenting time with one parent—usually the mother—and very limited parenting time with their father. Parents are the foundation of a child's well-being. Their feelings of security and safety stem from the consistent time they spend with each parent and the benefits of the parenting they receive from each parent.
Although the maximum contact rule is cited, it is most often not incorporated into final court orders for parenting time with the non-custodial or non-primary parent—usually the father. With flextime, many more professionals are able to work from home, allowing for working parents to care for their children with a shared parenting schedule. Assuming that family violence is not present or has not been an issue in the past, a shared parenting court order is what is best for our children.
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, of all reported violent crime in 2016, approximately 26% resulted from family violence in which 67% of the victims were women and girls, and 33% were men and boys. While family violence can be very detrimental to children, thankfully it remains a relatively small percentage, but nonetheless needs to be taken seriously within the family court proceeding.
Of equal importance is when a false allegation of abuse has been made in order to gain the upper hand in family court proceedings. Criminal proceedings can take up to 18 months to resolve for the accused—usually the father—all while a status quo has been established with the children and the accuser—usually the mother. The children are the biggest losers in this scenario. The family courts have an obligation to help re-establish the parenting relationship between the children and their father, assuming he has been exonerated of all charges.
While the percentages imply that the violence is most often perpetrated by men, interestingly the statistics for those in same-sex partnerships, in particular women who self-identify as lesbian or bisexual, show significantly higher rates of violence by partners than did those for heterosexual women.
Next we will focus on reducing child poverty.
While child poverty is an ongoing concern, according to the Department of Justice, studies have identified that child support is a key factor in lifting families out of poverty following a separation or a divorce. There are no easy answers. However, the child support enforcement process appears to be working to help with that issue.
In regard to the objective of making Canada's family justice system more accessible and efficient, the current family court process is complex, slow and costly, which accounts for the increase in self-represented litigants in family court. According to Justice Canada, the number of self-represented litigants has increased over the last five years to between 50% to 85%, primarily because they are unable to afford legal counsel for family court proceedings.
Self-represented litigants are often identified as being the main source of clogging the family courts, as judges are faced with having to explain the process rather than preside and make decisions. It is of paramount importance for the justice department to simplify the family court process, allowing for the large number of self-represented litigants to better understand what is required and how to prepare.
For example, when it comes to a child support obligation, when a payer's income increases, it is a relatively simple process to amend the amount being paid. However, when a child support payer loses his or her job, the process to vary child support in a court order can take several months and up to a year to amend the court order. While the legal proceedings are going forward at a snail's pace, the child support collection agency begins the process of implementing punitive measures such as confiscating a driver's licence or passport, which ultimately makes it much more difficult for that payer to find a job.
From a logical standpoint, when a person does not have a regular income due to job loss, they are unable to afford a lawyer to help amend their child support obligation, all while they're struggling to pay the court-ordered support, which no longer reflects their current income level.
In closing, the process to vary a child support order when a payer faces a job loss should be as simple as when a payer's income increases. It is incumbent upon the justice department to implement measures that help make that possible so that the payer can focus on getting back into the workforce rather than dealing with the related stress of proceeding to family court for up to a year as a self-represented litigant.
The end result would be that the child support is paid based on the current income and reduces the number of self-represented litigants in family court, thereby speeding up the process for all Canadians in family court.
Thank you.