I will do my best, but you know eight minutes is a bit tough.
Good evening. Thank you for this opportunity to appear before you and share some of my thoughts about Bill C-78. I'm the legal director of Luke's Place Support and Resource Centre in Durham Region, Ontario. We're named after Luke Schillings, a three-and-a-half-year-old boy who was murdered by his father on his first unsupervised access visit, after his mother sought an order for supervised access but was unable to obtain one.
We deliver direct family court support to women who are leaving abusive relationships. We also work on the provincial and national levels doing research, training and law reform advocacy on the issue of violence against women and the law.
Naturally, family laws at both the provincial and federal levels have a huge impact on the women we serve, as well as on their children, so we've been involved in advocacy in this area for many years.
We're delighted to see Bill C-78. As you all know, the Divorce Act has not been amended for more than 20 years. During that 20 years, the realities and needs of families in Canada have changed considerably. As Suki has already noted, this brief, prepared jointly by Luke's Place and NAWL, is the product of many wise minds. My comments will focus on some of the key issues that she has not already noted.
The brief reflects the expertise, among other expertises, that comes from our work at Luke's Place with women fleeing abuse who are engaged with legal systems, as well as from my own experience as a family law practitioner. These are perspectives that we think are critical for the government to consider when amending the divorce act.
First, like NAWL, I'd like to congratulate the minister and the government on presenting a bill that has many positive elements. We especially comment on these. Placing the well-being of children at the centre of the bill is really important. Developing clear criteria for the best interests of the child test will assist unrepresented litigants, lawyers and the judiciary to understand what needs to be taken into account when determining arrangements for children. The clear identification of family violence as an issue to be taken into account in divorce proceedings will be very helpful, and in particular in that category, we note the inclusion of coercive control, psychological, financial and animal abuse in the definition, and the recognition that family violence exists whether or not the conduct constitutes a criminal offence.
We are very pleased that the government has not introduced a presumption in favour of shared parenting. Because of the unique circumstances of every family, any such presumption would not be in the best interests of children.
Of course, we also have some concerns. There are some elements of the best interests test that are problematic in situations of family violence. Mothers, in Canada, remain the primary parent in most separated families. Keeping mothers safe enhances the well-being and best interests of their children. We would like to see proposed new section 16 amended to clarify this. Mothers need to be able to keep themselves and their children safe without having their behaviour labelled “parental alienation”.
Proposed new paragraph 16(3)(c) requires each spouse to support a relationship between children and the other spouse, and new paragraph 16(3)(i) requires spouses to communicate and co-operate with one another on matters related to the children. Our work with women has shown us repeatedly that these are not appropriate in cases of family violence. Indeed, communication and co-operation may be impossible where the abusive spouse engages in coercive and controlling behaviours. Such a requirement places women at risk of ongoing abuse, both physical and emotional, including lethal violence, and leaves children living in an environment of fear.
Furthermore, it's our experience that parents who are able to co-operate and communicate effectively are not turning to the courts to work out post-separation arrangements for their children. Court orders for joint or shared parenting are something of an oxymoron. It's for these reasons that we have recommended removal of these two paragraphs, or in the alternative, rewording of them to identify situations of family violence as exceptions.
Proposed new subsection 16.2(1) sets out the principle that a child should have as much time with each parent as is consistent with his or her best interests. This is highly problematic for mothers who have left an abusive spouse and who often have serious and legitimate concerns for the safety of their children when in the care of their father. This provision is neither appropriate nor necessary and should be removed.
The bill would be strengthened by the addition of clauses that set out specifically that the court should not presume that any particular arrangement is in the child's best interests.
Like NAWL, we're not convinced that changing the language of custody and access to parenting time and decision-making responsibility will have the results that the minister is hoping for. The definition of decision-making responsibility at the beginning of the bill is general and lacks detail. Coupled with proposed subsection 16.2(3), which says that a person with parenting time has “exclusive authority” to make day-to-day decisions about the child when the child is with that parent, the bill creates a broad opening for an abusive spouse to intentionally interfere with the other spouse's ability to make decisions about the kids.
Children's lives do not divide neatly into big decisions and day-to-day decisions. This reality can be easily manipulated by a spouse who is seeking to maintain control over the other spouse rather than to ensure the children's best interests. We have seen this time and time again in our work with women. We'd like to see a detailed but non-exhaustive list of the kinds of decisions a parent with decision-making responsibility would have. We've provided that in our brief.
We would also recommend changing the provisions with respect to day-to-day decision-making, and adding a provision that any day-to-day decision shall not conflict with decisions made by the parent who has decision-making responsibility.
This may come as a surprise to some members of the committee, but we do not oppose the use of family dispute resolution, even in cases involving family violence. We've worked with women who have found the process empowering and who have emerged with satisfactory outcomes. However, we do not support prioritizing family dispute resolution over litigation, and we have concerns that the present wording in the bill does this. Families have different needs, concerns and abilities, and should be made aware of all options for the resolution of their dispute.
We would like to see the duty on parties to resolve matters by a family dispute resolution rephrased to include a specific reference to family violence. We would also like to see the rewording of the duty of legal advisers to require them to screen all clients for family violence.
We appreciate the inclusion of a provision to speak to non-parental time with children. This is an arrangement that is a reality for an increasing number of families in Canada where grandparents in particular play significant roles in the lives of their grandchildren. However, we do not want to see this provision used by an abusive spouse who has limited or no time with his children because of safety concerns, who then manipulates his parents into seeking contact as a backdoor way to allow him to see his children.
As you heard from witnesses on Monday, the clarity that the relocation provisions will provide is badly needed and much appreciated. However, the family violence exemption from the notice requirement needs to be made more clear. We have offered some wording in our brief that could assist with this.
The burden of proof sections are ambiguous and confusing, particularly for unrepresented litigants who make up more than 50% of the people in family court in Canada. We think the language of “substantially comply” should be removed.
I have one last note on the bill. While we did not comment on these provisions in our brief, largely due to time and space constraints, we fully support those sections of the bill that will make income disclosure and enforcement of support orders both easier and more efficient. Many women and children live in poverty post-divorce because the present systems are cumbersome and slow.
Finally, subject to any questions you may have for me, let me say that while I certainly hope the committee will be persuaded by our recommendations, I also hope this bill is able to move quickly through the remaining stages so that the Divorce Act can become a law that protects the best interest of children, understands family violence, reduces child poverty and increases access to justice for families in Canada.
Thank you.