Thank you.
Can I just ask you another question that relates to something that wasn't discussed directly, but it's certainly a key part of the statute, which is about addressing the inability of people to access assets and understand where the assets may be located on the part of separating spouses, or divorcing spouses?
What I mean by that is the pursuit of actual enforcement of income support, child support and spousal support. What this legislation is doing is empowering different parts of government to talk to one another so that the CRA can talk to the adjudicators so that you can find where assets may be erstwhile hidden. Could you comment on that and what it does to alleviate some of the poverty that we've seen amongst spouses? I'm particularly thinking about the feminization of poverty in that context because the statistics we've seen are that among all the people who are in enforcement arrears situations 96% of those people are women who are owed money by men.