Professor Linda Nielsen at Wake Forest University has done a series of meta-analyses for many years—studies of studies—and those are now up to about 60 that she tracks from peer-reviewed journals around the world. The overwhelming majority, and I mean something like 55-plus of the 60 peer-reviewed studies, support equal parenting scientifically.
Richard Warshak of Texas, a well-known psychologist, has a study that he did in 2014, updated in 2018, that 110 leading psychologists from around the world have concurred in.
Professor William Fabricius of Arizona State University, who I mentioned, has written 30 peer-reviewed papers, speaks around the world, and is involved with the International Council on Shared Parenting. He has drafted Arizona's legislation, and then was hired to do the follow-up study.
These are people of international reputation and it's all high-level, peer-reviewed journals. I don't accept any assertion that there is not robust science about equal parenting.