Thank you. Those are good questions.
I think we have a growing body of good practice about how you can engage even young children to determine their views of the situation. Obviously with infants it's a different matter.
In 2009, we held a conference on the best interests of the child. We spent a considerable amount of time looking at good practices to get the views of children in family law, so I think that can be done.
Another thing I would mention is to change it over time. That's the benefit of parenting plans, so that it isn't a once-and-for-all decision. As the child ages, things can change. I would just caution making it an arbitrary age, saying, for example, that we only consider views after age 12 and not before. We should avoid that.
It says age and capacity. We would lean on the capacity and reduce the focus on age for considering best interests.
In terms of the child support payments, we need much stronger enforcement. I think that's the biggest problem. There are very high rates of arrears.