I just want to comment on the issue of awareness in our society of these issues. Mr. Eccles mentioned it earlier, and I think it came up recently in the Ontario Superior Court ruling that addressed the OSPCA and the lack of accountability and transparency in that organization. I think that goes for all of these charities that are trying to enforce animal cruelty laws across the country in their respective provinces, etc.
It's extremely difficult to get access to any of this information. They may talk about it here or at particular committees or conferences, but if I wanted to do an FOI request and actually find out the prevalence of calls that they receive on this particular issue, I could not obtain that sort of information. I could not do a report on it. I could not get that information out to the media to establish its prevalence. I think ongoing concerns are the accountability and transparency of who is collecting all of the data and information, and how it can be further disseminated back to the public.