Thank you very much.
I'm going to return to welcoming, again, Mr. Michael Wernick, who's the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet. Thank you very much for coming back before us, Mr. Wernick.
We also welcome Nathalie G. Drouin, Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General of Canada.
Thank you very much for coming to meet with us today, Ms. Drouin.
We have allocated 15 minutes to each witness for opening statements. We will start with Mr. Wernick.
Before we start, we have Mr. Wernick's and Madame Drouin's opening statements, which we have distributed to committee members. We also had the undertaking from Mr. Wernick, from his last appearance before us, to provide certain notes and correspondence that he had agreed to provide. We have those here. Much of it is bilingual; some of it is in English only. I'm requesting the committee's permission to distribute it despite the fact that some parts of it are not translated.