Thank you to the witnesses for coming in today and for your very wise testimony.
Last year I was at a mosque with a fellow member of Parliament. We had our heads covered, and the fellow member of Parliament refused to take a picture with me. I can only speculate that it was because of fear of the online mob that was waiting to comment on and judge what this member of Parliament was doing at a mosque, for example, with a person like me.
In light of all of this online hate, what role can public figures like me and other members of Parliament and you play in combatting this? We can talk about policy and effective laws to combat this, but as Mr. Iqbal said, it's not about bending heads; it's about changing minds. How do we, as role models or as community leaders, take that initiative? I'd like to know a little bit about what you are doing to proactively combat this kind of online hatred as well.
Could we go down the line, starting with Mr. Fogel?