I'm not going to tell you the method because then we won't be able to use it anymore. Suffice it to say that we have researchers who go online and are able to assess the kind of violent language that's used. We expose it publicly. Of course, most of that language crosses a criminal line. Of the three that we have exposed, all have been shut down.
This includes the largest, called “This Hour has 88 Minutes”. It's a podcast. The “88” was standing for the 8th letter of the alphabet, “H”, so 88 is “HH” meaning “Heil Hitler”. It was a neo-Nazi podcast that had over 25,000 listeners in Canada and we don't know how many thousands outside of Canada. We were able to shut it down once we were able to get the information out there and actually expose the people doing it.
We're one small group with a very limited budget. You can imagine that if we could work with intelligence groups, with the police in co-operation.... There are certain things we can do that the police can't do and vice versa, but nobody is co-operating. Everybody is working on their own little schtick and what happens is that hate takes the lead.
We have to find ways to work with CSIS, with local police and with the RCMP. It has to be a coordinated effort. Until that happens, I think we're going to be in really dire straits.