Good morning.
I'd first like to acknowledge the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin people.
My name is Duane Morrisseau-Beck, and I am the President of the Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy. I am an indigenous person living with HIV, commonly referred to as an IPHA, for the past 27 years. I want to declare that, pertaining to this intrusive approach to law, I am not an expert or a lawyer.
As an IPHA, similar to others like me, I have been on the front lines fighting this disease and other Canadian colonial violations against indigenous people since 1995. I understand the impacts of the law, both professionally and personally.
According to the Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization, HIV criminalization, as defined in the “End Unjust HIV Criminalization” community consensus statement, is the unjust application of criminal law to people living with HIV based solely on their HIV status. This includes the use of HIV-specific criminal statutes and general criminal laws to prosecute people living with HIV for unintentional HIV transmission, possible or perceived HIV exposure, and/or non-disclosure of known HIV-positive status. HIV criminalization is a growing, global phenomenon that undermines both human rights and public policy, thereby weakening the HIV response.
Professor William Flanagan from Queen's University told committee members on April 9:
Criminalization erodes trust in voluntary approaches to HIV prevention and testing. It helps spread misinformation about the nature of HIV and its transmission. The overuse of criminal law compromises the ability of people living with HIV to engage in the care they need due to the fear that their HIV status and discussions with medical professionals may be used against them in criminal prosecutions.
Although we believe HIV criminalization impacts all genders among people living with HIV in the indigenous community, OAHAS would like to draw to the committee's attention the traumatic effects HIV criminalization has on HIV-positive women.
According to the 2017 national surveillance data, 31% of people with new HIV diagnoses were identified as aboriginal women. The 2016 national estimates were that 14,520 women with HIV and women aged 30 to 39 have the highest rates of HIV diagnoses. HIV estimates for women, since 2016, have increased from 23.4% up from 22.2%.
In Mr. Alexander McClelland's statement to the committee on April 9, he spoke about his doctoral research to examine experiences of people living with HIV across Canada who have been charged, prosecuted or threatened criminally in relation to alleged HIV non-disclosure. He discovered a wide range of experience and found that applying criminal law, specifically the law of sexual assault, causes greater harm, often exacerbating situations that are already marked by stigma, trauma, shame and discrimination.
It was also clearly stated to the committee on April 9, by Mr. Richard Elliott, the executive director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, that there is a “disproportionate impact of HIV criminalization on a number of different populations...among women who have been charged, indigenous women are disproportionately represented”. This is very alarming for OAHAS and the indigenous community.
The Public Health Agency of Canada estimates that between 5,100 and 8,000 women are living with HIV in Ontario. Indigenous women account for 4% of those newly diagnosed people. Transwomen are not described because there is no data collected on them, as noted in the 2015 briefing of the Ontario HIV Treatment Network.
Indigenous women are being diagnosed later, many at the AIDS stage. Aboriginal women are affected by HIV in ways that are unique to both their gender and cultural identities. Determinants rooted in the impacts of colonization have created entrenched poverty, social marginalization and unresolved trauma, which can increase their exposure to HIV/AIDS. For these reasons, aboriginal women’s position at the intersection of GBV and HIV/AIDS must be understood in the context of a colonized peoples.
We were optimistic to learn, in 2016, that Canada's former minister of justice and attorney general,Jody Wilson-Raybould, an indigenous woman, understood there was a problem with the over-criminalization of HIV non-disclosure and it further “stigmatizes those living with HIV or AIDS”.
In 2018 she issued a directive to the director of public prosecutions that applies only in Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Although the directive is viewed as a step in the right direction, this has caused some confusion in the indigenous HIV community in Ontario.
The historic relationship that indigenous people have with Canada is marred by human rights violations. These violations can be found in failed public policies like the Indian Act, residential schools and the policy of removing children which led to the sixties scoop. These failed public policies have caused overrepresentation of indigenous people in child welfare systems, jails, missing and murdered indigenous women and men, and in the high rates of chronic illness and infectious diseases observed among indigenous peoples.
As the only indigenous HIV organization in Ontario, OAHAS is implementing its five-year strategic plan, ending in 2024. One of our five goals is to provide information and supports to prevent the transmission of HIV and other STBBIs to indigenous people and indigenous communities. How are we to do this when criminalization undermines promotion and prevention work in the indigenous communities in Ontario? How will we meet UNAIDS' 90-90-90 targets or promote the U=U prevention campaign when we're dealing with an application of law that counters all our efforts as well as Canada's efforts? The outcomes of this overly broad application of criminal law are catastrophic and deter people from getting tested, accessing health care when tested positive or accessing antiretroviral treatment.
No other medical condition has been criminalized in the way HIV continues to be. If you don't tell your sexual partner you have HIV, you can be charged with aggravated assault and be registered as a sex offender. For members of the indigenous community who deal with daily stigma, trauma, shame and discrimination, this furthers the mistrust they already have for government's laws, policies and its institutions. The application of this law as it pertains to indigenous HIV-positive women should be viewed as a form of structural gender-based violence. Unwarranted criminalization has a devastating effect not only on those accused and convicted. It also has a highly detrimental effect on the broader HIV prevention and care initiatives. The unjustified application of criminal law is traumatic to HIV/AIDS-positive women and the HIV-positive community.
As a UN member state, Canada has pledged to promote social and legal environments supportive of and safe for voluntary disclosure of HIV, further to the 2016 political declaration on ending AIDS. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, UNAIDS and the Global Commission on HIV and the Law have also specifically recommended to Canada that it limit the scope of criminal law to those cases of actual intentional transmission of HIV.
In 2018, the Journal of the International AIDS Society, during the international AIDS conference, which I attended, announced an expert consensus statement on the science of HIV in the context of criminal law. That statement was endorsed by the International AIDS Society, the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care and UNAIDS, which are three leading global HIV scientific organizations. We want to thank the Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization, which, along with partner organizations, is leading the charge on this important human rights issue.
Given that the election is happening in October of this year, it is OAHAS' recommendation that you work quickly with federal, provincial and territorial attorneys general to take the necessary steps within your respective areas of jurisdiction, and in consultation with people living with HIV, HIV organizations, service providers, women's rights advocates and science experts, to limit the unjust use of the criminal law against people living with HIV. OAHAS further recommends that any reform also remove the law from the realm of sexual assault.
In the 2015 mandate letter to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Prime Minister wrote the following:
As Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, your overarching goal will be to ensure our legislation meets the highest standards of equity, fairness and respect for the rule of law. I expect you to ensure that our initiatives respect the Constitution of Canada, court decisions, and are in keeping with our proudest legal traditions. You are expected to ensure that the rights of Canadians are protected, that our work demonstrates the greatest possible commitment to respecting the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and that our government seeks to fulfill our policy goals with the least interference with the rights and privacy of Canadians as possible.
This statement generally articulates the true sentiments being expressed today. Canada's covenants to its citizens and people residing in Canada must be honoured. As section 35 rights holders of the Constitution Act, it is imperative that Canada end the unnecessary and intrusive attack on our communities and continue forging reconciliation, which will ensure the protection of IPHAs now and into the future.
Interference with the rights and privacy of Canadians should be a thing of the past. Please act in a manner that upholds our proudest legal traditions at the national and international levels.