First, speaking specifically to Europe, which has in place a code of conduct around hate speech and very clear reporting obligations, we've arrived at a point where 83.8% of the content that has been flagged for review is assessed in less than 24 hours, and 7.9% in less than 48 hours.
That gives you a bit of an idea of the window within which content that deals with hate can be reviewed appropriately. Obviously, from our point of view, we're trying to improve on that.
The way we work within this broad organization of 10,000 is that we have very clear-cut internal review, and established guidelines for those review teams, around what the expectations and obligations are within each jurisdiction and what is explicitly illegal, and then what we would consider borderline illegal that requires some level of intervention on YouTube to restrict access to that content.
Internal to the company, like any multinational, we have a team that's dedicated to identifying both the differences and the similarities, and ensuring that we are in compliance.