The next one in the package is amendment CPC-19, by Mr. Viersen.
However, Mr. Viersen, as a result of the defeat of amendment CPC-17, I would have to rule that CPC-19 is consequential to CPC-17, which was defeated yesterday. I don't think this can go forward, because it's consequential to an amendment that was already defeated. I'm sorry about that.
Now we move to amendment PV-9. As chair, I'm going to take a little bit of latitude here. Amendment PV-9 is substantially similar to amendments LIB-5 and CPC-20.1, and I'm hoping that the drafters of all three can work together in a non-partisan way and come up with an amendment that's acceptable to all of you, because I think they're very similar.
I'm going to turn to Ms. May because hers was on the agenda first.