I'd be happy to briefly explain it to the committee.
You will recall that in subsection 241.4 (2) is a new offence for destruction of documents related to medical assistance in dying, with a specific mental intent to do a couple of things, either intend to impede someone's access...and so on.
This would amend that offence. Once the monitoring regime comes into force, it would add the specific intent of someone who destroys a document with intent to interfere with someone's compliance with their monitoring obligations. The rules related to monitoring are set to come into force on a day to be determined by order in council, unlike the rest of the legislation, which comes into force on royal assent, to allow time for the Minister of Health to develop the regulations.
This one would only come into force when the regulations are ready, because only when the regulations are ready will physicians and nurse practitioners have the obligation to report. Interference with their obligation would be an amendment made to this offence when those other provisions come into force.
It's definitely complex.