As all members know, I have been tasked by the Prime Minister to do a comprehensive review of the criminal justice system, including sentencing reform. We have been planning and continue to plan all aspects of that review.
Restorative justice is something that is a key priority for our department and for me, looking at ways in which we can take different approaches to the justice system and look at developing programs or support programs that are more successful in doing as much as we can.
One, for example, is reducing the overrepresentation of indigenous peoples in the criminal justice system. Another is looking at measures, such as drug treatment courts and community courts, that seek to limit what becomes, in many circumstances, a revolving door of people who present themselves into the criminal justice system, so as to develop off-ramps for people in the hope of ensuring that their first encounter with the criminal justice system is their last.
This is a community approach that we need to take. This is an approach we're committed to undertaking with the provinces, territories, and communities to ensure that we support innovative projects and measures that will look to restorative justice, but also initiatives that are preventative.