That would be my intervention.
When we talk about different intersections, the one I also want to touch on is immigration of people with disabilities. That's another intersection where people with disabilities struggle tremendously, and that is another point of intersection that has to be addressed.
When we talk about housing, the right to housing, the right to social support, and the right to legal representation, these are all conflicting rights with sections 7 and 15. These are important places where we have to look, because there are those intersections under the charter where court challenges need to be expanded. That would be my additional intervention.
The other piece I would like to mention briefly is where we have self-represented clients, some of the places.... Ontario has such a rich access to legal aid. I deal, in the DisAbled Women's Network Canada, with people from all provinces. I live in Alberta, where we do not have such rich access. The volunteer legal programs have.... The volunteers can't do anything. It ends up that I—