Thank you.
I'd like to thank everyone for coming. This is a very provocative panel.
I want to build on a question that Mr. Hussen asked. I was thinking about how in 1993 we had a case called Rodriguez, which was decided against the person seeking physician-assisted dying. Last year we had a unanimous court that overturned it. Many years ago we had the Gosselin case in the Supreme Court, the section 7 poverty case; I can see you're all nodding. Section 7 is about the right to an adequate level of social assistance. She was challenging a Quebec law that took rights away from citizens under 30 to receive social security benefits, and she lost in that case.
Is it your view that the court challenges program should provide funding for cases like that, which might be decided quite differently today, just as the Rodriguez case was decided so vastly differently later? Do we suggest, as a committee, that the court challenges program earmark money for poverty law cases? You heard the last panel saying that we have to decide what the best section 15 case is. Whether it's sexual equality, or racialized minorities, or disability, let them figure it out, because they will make the right decisions. Or should we swing at the fences and actually command that this process include money earmarked for poverty law cases so that we can change some of the precedents in the poverty law area, just as had occurred in the physician-assisted dying context?
That's for anyone, but perhaps Mr. Porter could start, please.