For aggravated assault, the prosecutor would have to prove that the assault was intentionally committed and that the consequences were simply reckless, that they were reckless that the person was wounded, maimed, or disfigured. That's what would have to be proven.
Under the offence in the bill, first, you have to show a purpose. If it were for the purpose of intimidating or coercing that person, for what purpose? That's one more element you'd have to try to get evidence of. Also, the definition of torture is not just simply that there was maiming, but there has to have been severe, prolonged pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, and it was intentionally and repeatedly inflicted on a person. For aggravated assault you don't have to prove that the consequences, that the harm was intentional; you just have to prove that the assault was intentional. Under this offence you have to prove both that the person intended the conduct and intended the consequences; so, it's more to prove.