If you will permit me, I will introduce my reply by stating that there are two Criminal Code offences that relate to, let's call it, impaired driving. The first offence is operating a motor vehicle, a vessel, aircraft, or railway equipment while impaired by alcohol or by a drug. The second offence is related to alcohol alone. It's an offence to operate a vehicle, a vessel, an aircraft, or railway equipment while above the legal limit, which is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.
Let me further indicate that in respect of the second offence, which is sometimes called the per se offence—that means that simply being at that level is the offence, regardless of whether you show signs of impairment or not—if you were driving at that level, you are committing a Criminal Code offence. So the tools that were implemented by Parliament in 1969, in relation to investigating this over 80 milligrams offence, are tools that are called approved instruments. They give the actual blood alcohol concentration level evidence that can be used in court to prove the offence.
With respect to roadside investigation, in 1969 Parliament passed legislation for approved screening devices. These are screeners. The result from the screener can't be used in court. That result can only be used to go to the next level of the approved instrument. If someone fails on the screener at the roadside, the police can demand that they give a deep lung breath sample on the approved instrument, and also, I should say that the sample which is received on the approved screening device is a deep lung sample of breath.
Having laid this foundation, I should quickly mention that the threshold to make a demand on the approved instrument at the police station is a reasonable belief that the driver has committed an impaired driving crime, whether that is the crime of impaired driving or the crime of being over the legal limit.
The threshold has been called very low for the approved screening device. The threshold is simply a suspicion of alcohol in a driver's body. Currently, the suspicion is arrived at, as has been indicated by earlier witnesses, through things like odour of alcohol on the breath. One could add glossy bloodshot eyes, fumbling with documentation.
I apologize for being very long in coming to your question, but I think it should also be pointed out that police currently, either common law or under provincial statutes, have authorization to make a random stop of a driver in order to check their provincial driving licence, in order to check up on the vehicle fittings, or to check up on a driver's sobriety.
Now, I finally get to your question—