The answer is that it will probably have a different standard than our others.
Our approved instrument standards are more rigorous than our approved screening device standards because they are fit for a purpose.
Evidentiary-approved instruments are the instruments that can mean an individual will be found guilty or not guilty in a court of law. Alcohol screening devices don't have that impact, and as a result we don't have the same rigour for our standards, nor are they operated with the same rigour. In the case of approved instruments, we demand that they be tested for accuracy and reliability each and every time they are used. In the case of approved screening devices, the alcohol test committee recommends that they be calibrated or checked every month, not every time they're utilized.
With the passive detectors, when my subcommittee for standards meets to develop standards, they may develop standards that are slightly less rigorous than even the ASD, but I won't know until we can look at the whole subject area a little more closely.