I would say, first of all, that it is a question of deterrence, as Rob said earlier. That's what we're trying to do. It's not so much collecting the fines, or putting people in jail, as it is deterring people from what I think we all agree is unacceptable behaviour.
I think we did look more at Canadian comparables in what was happening here. We could certainly provide you with the comparables, but take, for instance—I think I mentioned this in my opening part—in 2010, we passed Bill C-28, which was the anti-spam legislation. It imposed penalties of $1 million for an individual or $10 million for a corporation, and here the maximum is $1 million. We felt that it has to be large enough so it's significant, but yet comparable.
For the imprisonment, there is a whole range of sections in the Criminal Code that provide for sentences up to five years. I'll just give you a smattering of them. Section 338 is defacing a brand or a mark on cattle, section 394 is unlawfully buying or selling valuable minerals, and section 397 is falsifying a book or document. There are eight or nine of them there. Then there are a number that are higher. For instance, you can get 14 years if you counterfeit or mutilate a postage stamp, 10 years for insider trading, 10 years for the fraudulent manipulation of stock exchange transactions, and 10 years for stealing or forging a credit card.
We looked at it and said, this is serious. We think it's very serious, so we wanted to make the maximum terms of imprisonment and the maximum fines significant, but we did have regard to what is already in those kinds of communications