That's okay. We'll suppress the “o” for a moment and bring it back.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your clarification of what we intend to do here at the justice committee.
I have a couple of “how” questions. How would we best ensure that gender expression is protected in this legislation? I see it's not there explicitly, so I'm seeking your thoughts on that.
I'm going to give you two concrete examples. In Edmonton every month there is an event that brings the LGBTQ2 community together and it uses a different venue every month. It could be the Citadel Theatre, it could be the Yardbird Suite, and just last weekend it was the Needle Vinyl bar on Jasper Avenue.
People know about that from social media; they know in the community when we're there. Where, in the legislation, could we best have a provision so that if mischief takes place while the gay community is congregating in that place, at that time, police can then follow up and charge people if they can catch them?
The same would apply to a building where a Jewish or a Muslim community would be using another space temporarily and they are there regularly. Should mischief happen at that time, how could we make sure that's covered so that it's not just the buildings owned by, and always used by, the organization, but places where there is also temporary, even periodic use, by marginalized or targeted communities?