Thank you, Mr. MacGregor.
I would submit that there really are two separate issues. One is with CPIC, which is accessible right across Canada but I understand there are some issues in terms of how quickly the data is entered and of backlogs and delays.
That situation is frankly unacceptable. It's absolutely unacceptable that CPIC isn't fully up to date in all cases. The fact that there may be some backlog in CPIC does not change or impinge upon the fact that the criminal history of someone should be presented at a bail application hearing. After all, such information, as I mentioned, is always relevant and material. Indeed, often it is about the only evidence that is relevant and material at a bail application hearing.
What I would submit is that we should amend the Criminal Code to close this loophole and continue to put on pressure, as there has been pressure put, to get CPIC fully up to date.