I have a couple of short questions. I'd like to start with Ms. MacInnis-Wynn. Again, thank you very much for your testimony.
In your testimony, you spoke from a very personal standpoint about what happened to your husband, but you also talked about what for you was the core of this bill, changing the word “may” to “shall”. As you've heard throughout all of the questioning, there are a number of other elements that have been introduced in this bill that may be of concern to a number of people, relating to how these elements are drafted and where they're incorporated.
What's important for you, and I'm talking about you personally, and what do you care passionately about? Is it for the purposes of proving that the accused have been convicted of a criminal offence, proving that they've been charged with or are awaiting trial for another criminal offence, or proving that they have failed to appear under section 145, and that the evidence “shall” be adduced as opposed to “may”?
Is that what's important for you?