Mr. Trudell, I'd like to turn to you, and return to proposed subparagraphs 518(1)(c)(i), (ii), and (iii). I am disregarding, for the purpose of this question, proposed subparagraph (iv), which I see enormous problems with, in terms of the “shall”, and proposed subparagraph (v).
I only wish to talk about subparagraphs (i), (ii), and (iii), and as you say, they happen in almost all of the cases. It's with regard to the evidence and the record of the accused, what the accused has been charged with and what they're on trial for, and when they fail to appear, and also understanding that the most vulnerable are more likely to not appear for various reasons.
Can you offer me any reason, sir, why a prosecutor should have that discretion, if that information is available, not to present it?