Thank you very much.
We have the motions on the main estimates.
ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS SUPPORT SERVICE OF CANADA Vote 1—Program expenditures..........$52,628,925
(Vote 1 agreed to)
CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Vote 1—Program expenditures..........$19,222,932
(Vote 1 agreed to)
COURTS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE Vote 1—Program expenditures..........$68,590,696
(Vote 1 agreed to)
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Vote 1—Operating expenditures.........$234,300,919 Vote 5—Grants and contributions...........$350,315,319
(Votes 1 and 5 agreed to)
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR FEDERAL JUDICIAL AFFAIRS Vote 1—Operating expenditures..........$8,779,358 Vote 5—Canadian Judicial Council—Operating expenditures..........$3,525,036
(Votes 1 and 5 agreed to)
OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS Vote 1—Program expenditures..........$161,657,167
(Vote 1 agreed to)
REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA Vote 1—Program expenditures..........$24,916,433
(Vote 1 agreed to)
Shall I report these votes, less the amounts voted in interim supply, to the House?