Mr. Aylwin, with previous witnesses, I have raised questions concerning the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and legal aid, specifically sections 7 and 15. It's quite a coincidence that just a few weeks ago in my home province of British Columbia a lawsuit was launched by the Single Mothers' Alliance BC in the B.C. Supreme Court. They rely on sections 7 and 15, and they were arguing that the restrictive eligibility requirements in British Columbia, in particular, were affecting some women's rights to security of the person.
There was one case where a woman was trying to escape an abusive husband, and the barriers she faced in the legal system were not allowing her to properly disengage from an abusive spouse. Under section 15, we have equality under the law and the right to not be discriminated against. I'm just curious, do you know of the case? Do you have any thoughts on the constitutional provisions with respect to legal aid? I know there have been court rulings on this, but I'm looking for an opinion from you.