That's a question that comes up frequently. I did some research on the American literature. Since Professor Owen Fiss's paper called “Against Settlement”, where he argues against ADR for constitutional cases because it's public, whereas mediation is private, it is non-compulsory. Judgments are compulsory, and it is about the Constitution and not only about a private dispute between two parties; it concerns the state. There's an ongoing, raging debate in American doctrine about the appropriateness, la pertinence, of ADR in constitutional cases.
From what I gather, from what I've read on the topic, it's that American judges try to settle the cases after they go to court, but nobody imposes mediation before going to court. We have within the LRSP a structure where mediation will be funded after the case. But we also have the obligation in our contribution agreement. Parties who want to get the funds for litigation must first go though a mediation process funded by the LRSP. This is the aspect that is problematic. It doesn't work very well. Lawyers are resistant to it. After the case is introduced in court, sure, everybody wants to sit down at a table presided over by a judge who tells the parties to try to settle the dispute. But before, that's a problem.