Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I am pleased to speak to you this morning about the language rights support program, the LRSP.
As you know, the LRSP is the result of an out-of-court settlement after the abolition of the Programme de contestation judiciaire. The contribution agreement under which the LRSP functions is really based on the framework that was in the out-of-court settlement, with many more details. The contribution agreement is between Canadian Heritage and the University of Ottawa, and the funding is $1.5 million a year. The mandate of the LRSP is the clarification and the advancement of constitutional language rights.
The role of the University of Ottawa, as the managing institution, is basically to offer the LRSP human resources services, its financial department, and its IT department. It has a department of procurement and management of risk, and crisis management as well.
The expert panel of the LRSP, on the other hand, is appointed by the Minister of Canadian Heritage. The appointment is made from a list provided by the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada and from Quebec Community Groups Network, and other organizations across Canada. This appointment is nine members across Canada. Five of them are lawyers, and one of them is an expert in alternative dispute resolution, as well as four members from communities who are recognized within their communities; that's why they were on the list from the FCFA and QCGN in the first place.
The expert panel role, compared to that of the University of Ottawa, is all to do with funding. It makes the final decision on who gets funding and who applies to the program. Its role is very important as it's completely independent from the University of Ottawa, as well as from the government. It's impartial and independent. In all the six years that I have worked there, it has deliberated in all impartiality.
The component of information et promotion of the LRSP has evolved over the last six years. At the beginning, for the first couple of years, we did a lot of presentations across Canada. Even now, today, we make presentations during conferences, the AGM of our organization, etc. At the beginning we did a lot of consultations. We went around Canada, to all the regions, and we consulted with the organizations that worked with the francophone community or the anglophone community in Quebec. We analyzed their needs, not only to do with what information they needed for constitutional language rights but where they wanted to go towards advancing constitutional language rights.
As we progressed, the information and promotion component evolved. Now I would say that we do more collaborative projects with community organizations. As one example, the Acadian provincial association in New Brunswick came to us and said it was doing a campaign across the province to educate Acadians on their language rights, and asked if we would be interested. Of course we were. What we provide is our expertise, because a lot of the time these organizations don't have the legal expertise in language rights. We checked their stuff before it went on TV and radio, and we also provided funding.
Another example is the Canadian Teachers' Federation. It wants to check all the curricula all over Canada to see what the provinces have in their curricula to teach language rights, the vitality of communities of linguistic minorities, etc., in their classrooms. Basically, we've said yes to that project as well, of course. We do the study with them, we check for the validity of the project and the final document they provide. They use that document, which is basically a study of what's missing and what's good across the provinces when it comes to their curricula on language rights, and they go throughout the provinces and the governments and they tell them what they're doing well and make suggestions as to how they might improve. We've helped them with that project.
As I said, the information and promotion component has evolved over the years. We have a website that is very complete. You're welcome to visit it. It tells you all about our funding, as well as trying to say in simple and clear terms what our language rights are, as well as providing different ways of learning language rights for different learners, adult learners. In this component we provide $5,000 for impact studies. This goes through the expert panel, and it studies a new law, a new decision, and the impact of this new decision or new law on the communities and our language rights.
We basically have two other types of funding: ADR and legal remedy. The ADR is the alternate dispute resolution, so mediation, negotiation, etc. That's mandatory and was part of the out-of-court settlement. You have to do it before you can get funding for litigation. Conflict resolution as part of litigation is another component, but it's part of the litigation itself. The trial judge or the law in that province says it is mandatory that they do that ADR. We fund that as well. Each is separate, $25,920.
Exploratory study is really at the beginning when the individual or organization is not sure about their rights and they want to have legal advice, so we provide $5,000 for that. Their legal remedies are all the ones you see listed, and those are the different types of funding that we provide.
With respect to the eligibility criteria, for all our funding you need to be an individual or a group of individuals whose constitutional language rights may have been infringed, or a non-profit organization that has members who are individuals whose constitutional language rights could have been infringed.
All applications must concern constitutional language rights, obviously, because our mandate is the advancement and clarification of constitutional language rights.
For the legal remedies applications, you also need a test case. A test case is one that has never been decided in court, or it has been decided in court but you have different jurisdictions that are contradictory, or it has never been to the Supreme Court of Canada and it could be useful if it went to the Supreme Court of Canada. The staff and the analyst here provide a recommendation on the application as to whether it is a test case and whether it meets all the eligibility criteria. But it's really the expert panel that looks at these eligibility criteria and decides whether that application will receive funding or not.
The next slides are all graphs and they're pretty self-explanatory. The green line is the applications we've received and the red line is the applications we've funded. As you can see, we've gone up every year in the number of applications we've received, but our funding hasn't changed. That's why the red line is trying to keep up. Over the years, and we've been open since December 2009, we've refused 14 applications that were admissible, that did respond, that did meet our eligibility criteria, but because of lack of funding the expert panel had the hard choice of not funding those applications.
In this slide, the blue column is how much money applicants are asking for when they apply to us. The red line is how much we've approved. The green line is how much they actually spent. I'm only able to provide you the data for 51 completed files, because at the end of the file when they've done their case, we ask them to give us a financial report. In that financial report, they tell us what their actual cost was. I'm only able to give you the data for completed files, because I don't have that data on the other files.
I thought you may be interested in the next slide. It's the number of applications we funded per constitutional language rights field. Educational rights has always been the one where we receive the most applications, and that's what we fund the most. After that, it depends on the year, but mostly it's linguistic equality and rights to communications and services from the federal government and from the Government of New Brunswick.
The green line represents judiciary and legislative rights.
The next slide is per type of funding. Each colour is a year. It tells you the number of funded applications per type of funding that we provide every year. If you look at our last year, which just finished at the end of March, you will see that the impact studies and ADR were funded quite a bit.
The last one is about ADR files. These are the ones that are mandatory because it says so in our contribution agreement. That came from the out-of-court settlements before litigation. There are exceptions, but in most cases they have to do this before they can get litigation funding. The first column is how many applications we've received since we opened. We've received about 53 and we've funded about 39. Of those 39, about 18 are completed. Out of those 18, 10 went to trial; they came to us and applied for funding for a trial. About 4 of those 18 were completed because there was a partial or a complete resolution of the problem. That tells you how the ADR files are doing.
Thank you for your attention.