One of the biggest issues I thought about when coming here was indigenous people's right to access justice. I believe it should be a right. Unfortunately, what I found within the court system itself, and I'm sure it's the case all over Canada, is that it tends to be territorial. For example, they have different regions within the court system and one issue won't apply to the next. Those things should be broken down. We have the technology now, for example, to address people's issues via satellite from all the way from La Loche, for example, in Saskatchewan, to way up north, to Inuvik, or what have you. I don't know if we're taking advantage of that. Those kinds of things could save a lot of court costs. They would also provide opportunities for indigenous people to truly, I don't want to say participate, but certainly be part of the process in a fair and just manner. I think we could do a lot of things from that end, and you do make a good point.