It could be.
Thank you, Professor Buckingham. Your explanation of this was very well put together and your rationale actually coincides with my own thoughts on this.
One of the interesting things—and we've heard this before—is that if something hasn't been used very often, it should therefore be taken out of the Criminal Code. I was saying to some of my colleagues that I remember at law school we were talking about the treason sections of the Criminal Code, and some were saying they were not used very often. I hope that nobody would then make the conclusion that we'd better get rid of treason from the Criminal Code just because Canadians don't commit some of these offences. But thank you for that.
Your Excellency, to you and both our bishops who are here today, and Mr. Simpson, it's important to get the word out as to what's actually taking place. We've heard testimony, in fact just earlier today that you may have heard or seen, that this took a lot of people by surprise. Quite frankly, there wasn't much publicity for this. It just got dropped out in the summer. What can be done, what are you going to do to get this message out before this bill actually comes down to third reading here? Are you distributing it to parishes, letting them know? That seems to be an essential part of this, I think, to make sure everybody knows exactly what's going on.
Cardinal Collins.