The ACLC's position on section 7 is that it should not be stand-alone—sorry, Mr. Mia—because of the floodgates issue. While we support provincial jurisdiction, we support section 7 if it's linked to section 15, in terms of the provincial jurisdiction as well, and if it has national implications, not just within the provincial context.
However, if the recommendation is to have section 7 as a stand-alone or provincial jurisdiction, even if the impact is just within a particular province, you cannot do that within the current funding model or dollars. You have to give it the funds it requires, the resources it requires, to really make that effective.
I think what we have to recognize, in trying to stay within the original intent and mandate of the court challenges program, is what it was meant to achieve around systemic issues, around trying to make systemic change and systemic impact in the area of equality rights, both equality and language rights, opening it up to understanding the floodgates piece, and giving it the resources to be able to do that.