There are other experts around the table who may have more specific ideas.
Around the actual services, the important part is for the individuals to have access to prevention. If you're going to be listening in on very traumatic experiences and those are going to be related during court, you should have access to pretrial training so you get to build resiliency. Then, throughout the case, you should have access to counselling.
There's one area where we are trying to expand because we know have challenges in terms of access to mental health services across Canada, and we are trying to be very creative. We are now trialling a program in Newfoundland and Labrador using e-mental health therapies. In Great Britain, those have been demonstrated to be as effective for mild to moderate depression as face-to-face counselling. There's also an encouraging element, which is that we could be very creative in how we are able to offer these services to jurors.
I'll leave my comments at that and perhaps open it up to others if they want to address it specifically.