Can I first of all let you know that I've just been informed that my connection is going to end at 10 o'clock my time? If I disappear in about an hour's time, that's why.
My research was primarily to test the effectiveness of this new juror notice, but also, in the course of that, to explore the extent to which there is a demand among our existing jurors for some kind of aftercare. We weren't actually exploring the sources of stress; we were exploring the extent to which jurors feel the need to be provided with some means of confidential support following the trial.
As I said, the overall finding is that the overwhelming majority of jurors said they do not require this. However, if there were a general juror helpline, almost a majority of jurors said they would or might use that to discuss things that may relate to stress; for instance, how they felt about serving on the jury or how to deal with other jurors. That indicates some level of stress, I think. They also wanted to use the helpline for things that are not related to this issue, that are much more court procedural issues about how to deal with expenses, when they were going to get paid, and so on.