May I, Chair, ask one more small question?
This is for you, Mr. Maldoff. I was really taken by your examples, not the court cases, but the one of bad translation such that the English version becomes irrelevant, and I was also taken by the example of the health and social services where directives are provided that may or may not be illegal. That would be an administrative law problem, let's say, that has a dramatic effect on the minority communities of English speakers in the province of Quebec.
My question is this: shouldn't we extend the program to deal with section 15, the non-language rights provisions of the charter, in order to deal with administrative law problems that might have an impact on those? In other words, should we expand the mandate so that we don't have to worry anymore about whether it's grounded necessarily in a section of the charter but has an impact on those rights notwithstanding? Isn't that what your example would lead to?