The equality and the language worked wonderfully together under the Court Challenges Program. The problem is that we've had two governments come in, and I think it's fair to say that the language proponent was the innocent victim of a drive-by shooting. The equality aspect was just as innocent, but it was the target, so when they torpedoed the program, there was....
I know the FCFA, Diane Côté and Sylvia Martin-Laforge, are not people who are anti-equality. In fact, their resolutions both say it, but we were able to....
Is there a way? Will the government want to open the constitution? I don't think so. With regard to an endowment to a foundation, how much of an endowment will make it sustainable? How many billions or millions of dollars do you want to put into it?
I think we need to look at it being arm's length from the government. We have to look at an organization that is accountable. I don't think it should come from the academic world, although certainly there will be aspects of that. Very strongly, I know the board of the Court Challenges feels very much that it should be....
Can it be enshrined in legislation? Well I'm a lawyer, but, as far as I know, unless you do it in the Constitution, the next government can come by and change your law. I'm not saying it should be status quo; we want to modernize. I'm saying they're both charter rights sacred.
Thank you.