Take a look at Sweden. One of the detectives who was in charge of the Nordic model that they have in place in Sweden said that when they go in to bust a customer, the woman is there, and they leave behind either a trained police officer and/or a social worker who then sits down with her and asks, “What can we do to help you?” The woman, the seller of sex, is never criminalized. The person who purchased the sex is.
They are changing the culture of that country in a way that Canada has begun. We are on the same track as the Nordic model. Make it more along that track so that you are assisting those victims and they are not criminalized any longer in Canada.
When I started practising law, wow, the women all went to jail. I kept saying, “Where are the men? This is a consensual act. Where are the men?” Well, we know where they are, and I think it's time to do what the act was enacted for in 2014, to criminalize the purchasers and the pimps.