I'm Émilie Thivierge, the legislative clerk assigned to Bill C-5. My role is to provide you and the chair of the committee with some advice on the admissibility of amendments for the clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-5.
If you have any questions on the admissibility of an amendment that you would like to bring forward, or if you have any questions on the clause-by-clause process itself, please feel free to contact me.
My phone number and email address can be found in the memo you received. It is also possible for me and my colleagues to go to you to provide you with training on the admissibility of amendments and clause-by-clause study, if you wish.
Finally, if you wish to discuss the admissibility of an amendment that was drafted by the legislative counsel, namely my colleague here, Isabelle D'Souza, it's always useful and beneficial to give her permission to discuss it with me.
That said, I yield the floor to her.