Your question indicates why I have a very serious reservation toward listing people, because there are so many. As I answered to Mr. Fortin in French, we don't want to limit the possibilities for people to seek advice or to have mentors wherever they happen to be.
If you try to have an enumerated list of categories of people, you're always going to miss people. You're going to over-include or you're going to under-include, and you're going to create problems down the road. Ultimately, you may actually do damage by preventing someone from having a conversation he or she may want to have with someone because they're not on the list and therefore not protected.
There are all kinds of unintended consequences with elaborating that list. I am very much in favour of the approach we have taken in terms of the definition of the practice and the goal. I think that does the legal work it needs to do in a very effective, efficient and concise way.