Thank you very much for that thoughtful question.
I think there's a great range of diversity within Canada, in particular religious diversity. There are also many people within the LGBTQ community who have particular religious identities and who want to make sure that they live their religious identity faithfully and truly while also dealing with and living out their life as an LGBT individual.
Pastors or spiritual leaders can walk that path. I can speak only for the religious community that I come from; I can't speak for other religious communities. Certainly within my community, our identity first is as children of God and as image-bearers of Jesus Christ. That's our primary identity, our leading identity.
So, if I want to seek help or guidance from a spiritual leader within my tradition, then he's going to lead with that. That's an assumption I have going into the conversation, and that's the assumption he's going to have in the conversation as well. That should be available to me as a Canadian without restriction from the civil government. It should be free to every Canadian to seek out counselling and help, services and practices, that are in line with their religious convictions, and that's not coercive, abusive behaviour.