Absolutely. One of the nearly universal, most common harms was loss of personal relationships with family of origin, and also loss of opportunities to create romantic and sexual connections, in the case of sexual orientation, with people with whom they could have otherwise connected.
In other cases, there's the loss of years if not decades of being able to be employed and being able to be a person in your own body and your skin. Worse, we heard, and as we've seen in many studies from around the world, are the remarkably high rates of anxiety, suicidal ideation and attempts, and substance use to cope with that trauma and stress.
As Erika said this morning, there are, to my knowledge, no publicly funded supports for people who have been through conversation therapy. There are a few groups that have sprung up out of communities of survivors that I think are doing great work. However, we need much more support—formal support—to help the tens of thousands of people who have been through this.