There are no supports available, period. We do not have any trained trauma supports available through the Canadian public health care system in general. Mental health care supports are not provided, especially ones that provide to survivors themselves.
My treatment at the hands of Kenneth Zucker made me unable to work for a number of years and ruined my mental health. I'm currently on Ontario government disability because of that.
There is no allowance for me to regain lost income or to put my life back together in some respect. Importantly—and this is very important for me as a trans survivor—the denial of medical health care by Dr. Zucker specifically changed my body permanently, and there is no funding through the public health care system for any way to make that better for myself, through surgery or other practices, to heal the physical changes and hurts that he did to me.
In response to that, there are no supports, but I dearly wish that there would be some in general.