Very often. In fact, the common denominator is the controlling behaviours, the psychological abuse, the isolation. Especially with COVID, that has just amplified it.
Pre-COVID and in the years that I've worked with women in abusive relationships, that is very common right from the stalking to the.... What we're seeing now—I didn't mention this because of time—is the legal bullying. They're using the family court system. I can talk all day about the cases, but it's the psychological, the verbal, and it's over and over. Their intent is to instill that fear and to try to gain control over the woman's thoughts. It's the incessant calling and texting. We see that very often, and we see that more than the physical violence.
We know from the women. They tell us that those psychological effects, the controlling, are much more long-lasting. The psychological consequences, as we all know, are difficult to measure, but we know, and the research does support, all the consequences that result from that—walking on eggshells and not being able to live their lives fully and now being trapped because of the stay-at-home orders, which hopefully will get lifted soon, once COVID passes.