Thank you very much.
I agree. This is an important opportunity for us to ensure that we get this right.
As I raised in my opening remarks, one of my concerns, if the offence isn't drafted properly, is that actual survivors might be caught up in the criminal offence, and they may be criminalized simply for trying to protect their children. That could be seen, I suppose, on a certain level, as being controlling behaviour, even if they're doing it for very good reasons, so I agree that we absolutely need to get the language in the Criminal Code right.
This is also where, in my opening remarks, I talked about the importance of looking at what other jurisdictions have done. We have, in this bill, adopted the model that England and Wales have put forward. One of the other models that I think is really interesting and important for the committee to look at is what Scotland has done. It passed a law creating an offence for domestic abuse more generally, which includes coercive controlling behaviour but also includes things like physical violence, sexual violence and harassment. Everything is encompassed within the same offence.
One of my concerns with the bill the way it's currently presented is that it may continue to result in police laying multiple charges in cases. They may charge an accused with coercive control, with physical assault, with sexual assault. If we think about a more encompassing offence that includes all of those different kinds of behaviour, that might be a model to take a look at. I'd really encourage the committee to look at how laws in other jurisdictions that have grappled with this issue have ended up being interpreted and applied by the courts, and how they have worked on the ground, because I think that will help decide what is best for Canada.