I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 18 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.
Welcome, Ms. Damoff, who will be replacing Mr. Kelloway today. Thank you for being here.
To ensure an orderly meeting as we continue our study into domestic violence, I will outline a couple of rules. For all witnesses and members, understand that there is an interpretation button at the bottom of your Zoom screen that allows you to select the language that you would like for interpretation through your headset. You don't need to change the language if you are speaking in a language other than what is being interpreted.
Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. As you are on video conference, please make sure that you unmute yourself before you start speaking. If you are not speaking, I'd ask that you please keep yourself on mute.
As a reminder, all comments by members and witnesses should be addressed through the chair. We have a platform for respectful dialogue, and we'll be maintaining that as well.
We're very happy to have the witnesses here today.
With the speaking list, the clerk and I will do our best to ensure that we maintain an orderly list. You can raise your hand if you would like to speak. Please note where that “raise hand” function is at the bottom of your Zoom screen. Again, if you'd like to speak, unmute yourself before starting to speak and mute yourself once you're finished. I have this one-minute card and this 30-second card, which allow you to judge how much time you have left for speaking.
At this time I'd like to welcome our witnesses. As an individual, we have Janine Benedet, dean pro tem and professor of law at Peter A. Allard school of law at the University of British Columbia. We have Jennifer Koshan, who is a professor, faculty of law, at the University of Calgary. We also have a representative from Hiatus House, Genevieve Isshak, who is the clinical director of residential and community services. Welcome to the witnesses.
You will have five minutes each for your opening remarks. We'll be keeping time. We'll start with Janine Benedet.
Your time starts now. Please go ahead. Thank you.