I call this meeting back to order. Just very quickly before I introduce the witnesses, for the benefit of all the witnesses, I will outline a few things.
Before speaking, wait until I recognize you by name. When you are speaking, please unmute yourself and then mute yourself once you've finished speaking. That obviously applies to all members as well. Address all of your comments through the chair. Interpretation is available at the bottom of the screen, so please select the language that you would like to hear. When you are speaking, speak slowly and clearly, and when you're not speaking your microphone should be on mute.
Welcome to our witnesses. We have Carmen Gill, who is suffering some technical challenges right now. She is from the department of sociology at the University of New Brunswick. We also have the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, represented by Heidi Illingworth; and Sagesse Domestic Violence Prevention Society, represented by Andrea Silverstone, who is the executive director.
At this time, we'll turn to Ms. Illingworth for her opening remarks, for five minutes. I will give cues of one minute and 30 seconds to members and witnesses as you grapple with the timing.
Ms. Illingworth, please go ahead.