Hello. My name is Gaëlle. I'm a lawyer. I've been working at the alliance for five years. My colleague Maud has been working in the field of domestic violence in Quebec for 20 years.
The Alliance des maisons d'hébergement de 2e étape pour femmes et enfants victimes de violence conjugale has 26 members in Quebec.
Eight per cent of women leaving emergency shelters will require second-stage housing because of the dangerousness of their spouse. In Quebec alone, this concerns approximately 500 women per year, as well as their children, of course.
Following a recent self-assessment survey, we were dismayed to learn that 88% of respondents, including over 350 women, experienced several forms of serious post-separation violence, that is criminal offences. In Quebec, a woman is a victim of attempted murder by her ex-partner every 10 days.
Quebec's chief coroner analyzed 10 incidents of domestic violence that resulted in the death of 19 people. His report indicates that eight of those incidents occurred after a separation.
Domestic violence, which is defined in Quebec law as coercive control, unfortunately does not stop after physical separation, quite the contrary. This is why this bill is so important for victims and all those who work with them.
I'll now turn things over to my colleague Ms. Pontel.