In fact, I was referring specifically to recent legislation in Scotland. In a context where children are exposed to or specifically targeted by controlling or coercive conduct, the offence is considered more serious. Just as the status quo doesn't work for women who are victims of domestic violence, it has been found that the status quo doesn't work for children living in the context of domestic violence.
We've done some research with children ourselves, and the results are consistent with that. There is a general tendency to consider that when children are exposed to domestic violence, they are exposed to isolated incidents or acts or a series of isolated acts. However, children's experience shows us that those who live in a context of domestic violence are in fact exposed to a set of strategies that correspond to controlling or coercive behaviours. These children are affected by the set of strategies deployed by the perpetrators of domestic violence. These strategies have repercussions on the mothers of these children, but also on the children themselves, since they live their daily lives in an atmosphere of tension and terror.