No, I meant the Canadian Football League, but perhaps we can revisit that based on what you're advising us. We'll have a conversation with the clerk afterwards and ensure that they're represented here at least. The actual league, the CFL, did advise us that they'll be providing written submissions regardless.
Just so members are aware, at our next meeting on Thursday, we will be having Minister Lametti appear in the first hour, and then the second hour will be officials only. We'll be meeting about the supplementary estimates (C) 2020-21 and the main estimates for 2021-22. Keep that in mind as we go into our next meeting.
We have a break week in between, and then March 23 will be the last meeting on C-218. On the 25th, the first hour will be dedicated to considering the draft report for the coercive conduct study, and then in the second hour, we'll go into clause-by-clause for Bill C-218.
Those are my updates with the agenda.
Mr. Moore, I see your hand is raised.